Peerless Medicine God

Chapter 5 - 5: Vomiting Blood

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Vomiting Blood

Chapter 5: Vomiting Blood . . .

"You are utterly ignorant of the matter at hand! A Seven-Colored Flowing Cloud Python? I've never even heard of such a creature! Do you think you can deceive us by inventing a demonic beast?"

Qian Miao, recognized as a skilled alchemist in the State of Qin, had delved into the study of demonic beasts. However, the mention of a Seven-Colored Flowing Cloud Python baffled him completely. Even with his expertise, this particular creature had never crossed his knowledge.

For Ye Yuan, an inexperienced and seemingly incompetent individual, to introduce such an unheard-of demonic beast only heightened the skepticism.

"Young Master Ye, your insults extend beyond Master Qian and me; they impugn all of us demonic beast hunters! We dedicate our lives to battling demonic beasts for sustenance. I've been in this trade for years, yet I've never encountered a Seven-Colored Flowing Cloud Python."

The brawny-looking man, now more convinced that Ye Yuan was causing unwarranted trouble, abandoned courtesy. He aimed to expose Ye Yuan's ulterior motives, tying Qian Miao and himself together to protect against potential offense.

The brawny man, aware that his life depended on Qian Miao's expertise, sought to align himself with the alchemist. To avoid offending Qian Miao, he collaborated with the group of demonic beast hunters, leveraging their collective influence to pressure Ye Yuan into yielding.

The commotion escalated as other demonic beast hunters, hearing the brawny man's sentiments, joined the chorus of disbelief.

"What nonsense! A Seven-Colored Flowing Cloud Python? Never heard of it!"

"This affluent second generation has brought shame to Grandmaster Ye! It seems the Ye Family's glory will end with this generation. What absurdity is this Seven-Colored Flowing Cloud Python? I've roamed the Endless Forest for three decades, and it's unheard of."

"Enough of this. Let's all head to Drunken Star Manor. A once respectable Fragrant Medicine Pavilion tarnished by an affluent second generation."

While the crowd voiced its discontent, Ye Yuan remained silent, an unexpected response given his past behavior. The usual hot-tempered Ye Yuan would have erupted in the face of such criticism. However, he stood composed, seemingly unaffected by the insults.

Despite the chaotic scene, Ye Yuan directed his gaze toward the noisiest individuals, particularly the one who initially suggested going to Drunken Star Manor. Those who met his eyes suddenly felt an inexplicable chill, a sensation of falling into an icy abyss.

Ye Yuan's stare fixated on the man who led the vocal opposition. The man, initially smirking, suddenly experienced a shiver down his spine, an eerie sensation.

This man, known as Liu An, was a sharp and capable middle-aged demonic beast hunter. Unbeknownst to others, he was a spy planted by Drunken Star Manor among the hunters. Liu An's role involved stealing valuable discoveries from fellow hunters and delivering them to Drunken Star Manor.

Drunken Star Manor, the primary competitor of Fragrant Medicine Pavilion, was known for such covert practices.

In an instant, the bustling hall descended into an uneasy silence. The abrupt end to the cacophony was chilling.

Liu An, under Ye Yuan's intense gaze, felt an indescribable discomfort, as if facing a formidable adversary. He struggled to understand why he, an Eighth Level Essence Qi Realm cultivator, would experience such pressure from a mere First Level Essence Qi Realm individual.

Ye Yuan's cultivation level was apparent to everyone present. A seemingly feeble youth like him couldn't possibly exert such oppressive force.

Liu An dismissed the sensation as a hallucination, yet the silence in the hall reinforced the reality of the moment. Determined to dispel this strange feeling, he gathered his true essence, ready to challenge the oppressive atmosphere.

However, before he could utter a word, Ye Yuan's gaze shifted away from him, and in that instant—


Ye Yuan's words were cut off by a sound that captured everyone's attention. All eyes turned to Liu An, who was now spewing a mouthful of blood, staining several bystanders.

Liu An, attempting to speak against the pressure, found himself abruptly relieved of the oppressive force. The sudden release, combined with his existing injuries, caused him to involuntarily cough up blood, exacerbating his condition.

"Young Master, this man seems seriously injured. Shouldn't Master Qian attend to him first?" Lu-er, pulling on Ye Yuan's sleeve, pleaded compassionately.

Ye Yuan, momentarily surprised by Lu-er's insight, concealed his delight. He thought highly of her strategic intervention.

"Dispatching a sledgehammer to kill a chicken? While it may appear severe, this warrior has only suffered minor internal injuries. Our Fragrant Medicine Pavilion's Heart Protecting Pill is renowned; one dose will suffice." Ye Yuan, maintaining a cheerful demeanor, addressed Liu An.

Observing Liu An's distressed appearance, Lu-er, sensing his urgency, took the initiative to fetch the medicine without waiting for Ye Yuan's command. The sudden movement startled Liu An.

"N-no need. T-there are still so many people queuing up in front of me, c-cutting isn't very nice," Liu An stammered with guilt.

Insisting on helping, Ye Yuan expressed concern, "That won't do. I know you don't trust me, but are you telling me that you can't trust our Fragrant Medicine Pavilion's reputation? I believe everyone is aware of the reputation of our Heart Protecting Pill. Using it to treat your injuries will definitely work."

Qian Miao, the seasoned master, concurred, "That's right. This time around, Little Yuan isn't messing around. Even though your injuries aren't severe, it wouldn't be good if it continues to deteriorate. Using a Heart Protecting Pill to treat your injuries is perfect."

Unbeknownst to others, Ye Yuan's earlier gaze had lingered slightly longer on Liu An's body. Though imperceptible to onlookers, Ye Yuan had discerned something amiss.

Presenting himself as genuinely concerned, Ye Yuan showed compassion for Liu An's well-being. While nobody understood Ye Yuan's motives, the act of saving a person garnered no objection.

In the brief interval of conversation, Lu-er returned swiftly with a Heart Protecting Pill.

"Young Master, here," she offered, as if vying for acknowledgment.

Ye Yuan, taking the medicinal pill, appreciated Lu-er's efforts. Patting her head affectionately, he expressed gratitude, "It was hard on you."

"Not at all," Lu-er replied with enthusiasm.

Unnoticed by the crowd, Ye Yuan manipulated the pill with intricate hand movements. Hovering above his palm, the pill defied gravity while Ye Yuan maintained a cheerful facade. Yoouur favorite 𝒏ovels at n/ovel/bin(.)com

Turning towards Liu An, Ye Yuan handed the medicine to him, saying, "Here, swallow it quickly."

Accepting the pill, Liu An's expressions shifted between nervousness and uncertainty. What had prompted Ye Yuan, known for his questionable reputation, to display such sudden concern?

As Liu An grappled with these thoughts, his gaze shifted towards Qian Miao. Seizing the opportunity, he voiced his concerns, "Master Qian, it's not me who's narrow-minded, but rather, Young Master Ye whose reputation isn't that good. Honestly speaking, I worry about this medicinal pill. Master Qian, please make the decision for me!"

The crowd, nodding in agreement, supported Liu An's skepticism. However, Lu-er couldn't tolerate it, exclaiming, "You are such an ungrateful person! Our family's Young Master is filled with good intentions to save you, yet you are suspecting him!"

"Hmph. Everybody knows what kind of person your young master is. Is there anything wrong with suspecting him?" Liu An retorted, unwavering in his suspicion.

Remaining unfazed by the accusations, Ye Yuan exhibited calmness. Observing Liu An's reluctance, Qian Miao scrutinized the pill, confirming its authenticity. He addressed Liu An, "This is indeed our Heart Protecting Pill without anything inappropriate. Furthermore, this particular Heart Protecting Pill's medicinal fragrance is overflowing. Clearly, its quality is even greater than the average ones. I am not forcing you to eat this Heart Protecting Pill, but your injuries right now aren't light. If you are not careful, it might affect your cultivation in the future. I advise you to just take it."

Liu An, now perplexed, questioned his doubts. Was he overthinking Ye Yuan's motives? Surrendering to Qian Miao's endorsement, he thanked them and swallowed the Heart Protecting Pill in one gulp.

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