Peerless Medicine God

Chapter 3 - 3: Grabbing Medicine

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Grabbing Medicine

Chapter 3: Grabbing Medicine . . . Reead latest 𝒏ov𝒆ls at n𝒐v/el/bi𝒏(.)com

The green figure happened to be Lu-er, Ye Yuan's maidservant responsible for his daily life. Lu-er, with her lovely and cute demeanor, possessed a pair of bright eyes that easily endeared her to others. Clad in a long green dress, she resembled a little green pixie, emanating an aura of charm.

Ye Yuan was intimately acquainted with Lu-er, having been playmates since childhood. She stood as the person closest to him, aside from his parents, in both familial and external settings. Despite the general lack of regard for Ye Yuan within and outside the household, Lu-er remained the sole exception. Regardless of Ye Yuan's external antics, Lu-er devotedly cared for him.

This special connection made Ye Yuan instinctively feel a closeness to Lu-er, akin to a little sister, despite his predecessor's penchant for teasing her. In reality, although Ye Yuan was mischievous, he refrained from imposing himself on women, indulging instead in harmless pranks. His predecessor's negative traits were largely attributed to being spoiled, with his father, Ye Hang, bearing a significant share of the responsibility.

Yet, Ye Yuan chose not to lay blame entirely on Ye Hang, recognizing the profound love that a father's heart held. Touched by the familiarity and warmth reminiscent of his past life's father, Ye Yuan found solace in this connection.

Lu-er, having bumped into Ye Yuan, initially expressed concern but was elated to find him full of vigor. Ye Yuan reassured her of his well-being, declaring himself fortunate to have survived the crisis and anticipating limitless future fortunes.

Responding in a teasing yet significant manner, Lu-er conveyed her belief that Ye Yuan's survival marked a turning point for him. Intrigued by her confidence, Ye Yuan couldn't help but ponder the depth of Lu-er's insights.

In a light-hearted exchange, Ye Yuan invited Lu-er to accompany him to the Fragrant Medicine Pavilion to gather medicinal herbs. Lu-er, wordless but attentive, followed Ye Yuan.

The Fragrant Medicine Pavilion, established by the Ye Family, stood as a prominent medicinal shop in the State of Qin, owed largely to Ye Hang's esteemed status as an Alchemy Grandmaster. In a region where the identity of an Alchemy Master commanded respect, an Alchemy Grandmaster like Ye Hang held an unparalleled position. The Fragrant Medicine Pavilion's main branch in the capital even boasted the presence of an Alchemy Master to diagnose people daily, a testament to its influence.

Entering the Fragrant Medicine Pavilion with Lu-er, Ye Yuan noticed various expressions from the employees, ranging from fear and scorn to disdain. This silent reaction prompted Ye Yuan to reflect on his predecessor's tarnished reputation, even affecting innocent bystanders.

Undeterred by the employees' glances, Ye Yuan approached the counter and requested paper and a brush from an Alchemy Apprentice. Aware of Ye Yuan's status, the apprentice promptly provided the requested items. Ye Yuan efficiently listed the medicinal herbs he needed and handed the prescription back to the apprentice. With a direct order to procure the herbs and seek his father in case of any issues, Ye Yuan showcased his decisive and knowledgeable demeanor.

While the herbs themselves were ordinary, the prescription demonstrated Ye Yuan's extensive understanding of medicinal herbs and effects, a testament to his past life as an Alchemy Emperor.

The Alchemy Apprentice appeared puzzled by Ye Yuan's actions, assuming that this individual of refined tastes had taken an interest in experimenting with medicinal herbs.

As the Alchemy Apprentice busied himself gathering the required herbs, Ye Yuan escorted Lu-er to the Fragrant Medicine Pavilion's consultation room. A brief, contemptuous glance from the duty master followed Ye Yuan's entrance, and without much ado, the master resumed attending to patients.

These masters, stationed at the Alchemy Master level, were all personally invited retainers of Ye Hang. Their elevated status extended not only within the Fragrant Medicine Pavilion but also across the entire State of Qin.

Observing the patients seeking treatment, Ye Yuan silently shook his head. Their afflictions were far from ordinary, and the masters' diagnoses reflected a profound understanding of uncommon illnesses. Although Ye Yuan, if on duty, could provide superior prescriptions, he refrained from intervening, recognizing the efficacy of the master's formulas.

With a lifeless call for the next patient, the attendant ushered forth a brawny man whose appearance hinted at a troubling condition. A purple complexion, accompanied by death qi around his forehead and incessant coughing, signaled symptoms of poisoning.

The master, after assessing the man's pulse and tongue, astutely remarked on the encounter with the deadly Seven Evils Flowing Cloud Python in the Endless Forest. Despite the master's mocking tone, the brawny man expressed admiration for his accurate diagnosis, recounting the tragic loss of his companions to the ferocious beast.

Acknowledging the brawny man's luck in surviving such an encounter, the master emphasized the potency of the poison and quoted a high fee for the treatment. Eager to save his life, the brawny man, aware of the Fragrant Medicine Pavilion's reputation, pledged to pay the full treatment fee.

The master, unruffled, prescribed a remedy involving Green Flow Grass, Vermillion Soul Sand, Ironwind Eagle's inner core, and Daystar, instructing the attendant to prepare two additional sets for the patient to take back.

As the attendant was about to call the next patient, a gesture halted him, indicating someone's desire to speak.

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